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Meet the Officers



Morgan Fu-Muller (They/Them)


Morgan Fu-Mueller is excited to be your Jackson Mock Trial Team President for the 2021-2022 year! This is their third year in mock trial, and they promise it's both fun and technical. They're absolutely psyched to be helping a new team of enthusiastic people become very cool competitors.


Kali Robson  (She/Her)

This is Kali's second year as an attorney in Mock Trial, and her first year as an officer! She wants to go to law school and become an attorney eventually! Kali is very excited to help manage the club this year!


Communications/Publicity/Attendance Officer

Bishop Drewery (He/They)



This is Bishop's third year participating in Mock Trial as a witness, and his first year as an officer! He has been interested in law, politics, and public work for years now. They hope to earn a law degree someday and go into the legal field.

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